From infinite challenges to endless possibilities: Discover the latest tech to boost direct bookings from our webinar. Witness the future of hospitality unfold!

Waldemar Antonowicz, our CPO, will be your guide as we walk you through our latest tech, specifically designed to optimize guest shopping experiences and provide unparalleled ease for hoteliers. From advanced upselling tools, and loyalty features to AI-driven solutions.

In this webinar you will learn:

AI-Driven Solutions: Dive into the future with insights on artificial intelligence applications that streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and elevate the overall guest experience.

Advanced Upselling Tools: Discover how our cutting-edge tools elevate the upselling experience, maximising revenue opportunities for your hotel.

Loyalty Features: Explore innovative loyalty features that create lasting connections with your guests, fostering repeat bookings and brand loyalty.

Waldemar Antonowicz

Chief Product Officer

During high school, Waldek's enthusiasm for programming and web design was already evident. He seamlessly combined his Robotics studies at Poznań University of Technology with a professional role as a web interface programmer. He began his career at Profitroom as a programmer with the team responsible for creating the first Booking Engine, and for several years now, he has been managing the entire product portfolio at Profitroom. He is an enthusiast and practitioner of agile management, valuing beautiful and user-friendly product designs. Outside of work, his passions are travel and automotive, outside of working hours you can also find him on the basketball court.